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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Ultima Online: The Second Age System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-28 07:51:59 Views : 26061 Cheat : Easy skills and statistics: If you own a boat and you are able to use a bow or magic, you can get as much strength and stats as needed. First, make sure you have arrows, reagents, recall scrolls, and runes for your boat and a town. Dock the boat at any island that has monsters, especially ones that do not have any visitors, as monsters seem to swarm. Allow the monsters chase you back to your boat. Get on the boat (you will need a friend to be standing inside to let the gang plank down) and the monsters will not be able to get on your boat. Then, pick them off one by one with arrows or spells. If you run out, recall back to a town and buy more. As the monsters spawn, you will be able to do this as long as needed and gain skills and statistics. 100 Strength and Dexterity: Note: To use this trick you need to have a your skill cap at full. If you are using the sword skill, get a mace and kryss and find a training dummy. Next put all your skills in the lock position and put your macing up and fencing down. Then, just beat the dummy with your mace until you get 20 skill on it, then switch to have fencing up and macing down. Beat the dummy again until you get fencing up to 20. Keep switching and repeat. In five days you should 100 STR and 100 DEX. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Ultima Online: The Second Age cheat codes.
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